
Priestess Your Life

Embrace change and trust your journey through big life transitions, using the wisdom of astrology and shamanic womancraft

Cyclical Wisdom Mindfulness Prompts 2025
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It's Ready! Cyclical Wisdom Mindfulness Prompts 2025

Priestess Your Life 26 Dec 2024 Cyclical Wisdom Mindfulness Prompts 2025 Dear Reader, How are you? I'm feeling well and truly slowed, in this double whammy of Mercury and Mars both currently retrograde. In the liminal space of jetlag, 3am mornings… A shocking shift from 30°C to -30°C… Entering the reflective cocoon of the Winter Solstice… And my laptop died on the final flight home from Australia! (Merc retro in Sag, my 9th house of long-distance travel, haha) A good test of my backup...